Starting Over

The great thing about writing as well as life is that you can start all over again. Besieged by various life events, illness and depression, the last year has been challenging. Certainly, not life-changing as it has for some of my family and friends, but hard for me to get through.

So, here goes. Me starting over.

My first as-yet-unborn mystery novel actually grew. I have just finished the last chapter in the second draft. Sam and Mary have discovered a new dimension in their relationship and the over-arching plot of the series is laid down. And I’ve learned a few things on the way to this point.

First, having a critique group every week keeps me working. I have a deadline. I need deadlines. That way, I keep writing, even if I don’t always like what I’ve written. I just keep writing.

Second, scenes and chapters I’ve written usually go over better with others than they do with me. Of course, I have not shown them to my husband. He’s too close to me and his criticism stings. I seem to listen to others more openly. I know some writers have spouses who are active in the writing process with feedback. My dear spouse, whom I love very much, means to be helpful, but I’m too defensive. (On the other hand, he doesn’t take direction from me all that well, either.) So we have an understanding. When I’m satisfied with it, he can read it.

Ultimately, I find it difficult to work at home. The biggest hurdle is distraction. There’s food in the fridge, and it calls my name when I’m trying to create. (Yes. I can self-sabotage with the best of them.) I worry about the housework that isn’t getting done. I mean, the oven never needs cleaning as crucially as it does when I’m working on a deadline. The closet needs clearing out, and that can lead to organizing the supply cabinet or the spice cupboard. (Don’t you keep your seasonings in alphabetical order?) Then, the land-line rings and my husband won’t answer it, so I do. Those surveys and sales-pitches take time. By then, it’s time to fix dinner and said dear spouse wants to know what we’re having. This is the time of the afternoon when I’ve finally gotten on a roll, mind you.

It’s a good thing I have a library and several favorite coffee houses and sandwich bars where all the chatter in the world doesn’t bother me.

Go figure.


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